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Main Recipient

With the plugin installed, you should go to WordPress Dashboard > “ Split Payment” and fill the fields with your bank information, document and your name. This will create a recipient at and this recipient will be used as the main.

This recipient will receive all the remaining amount after the split rules have been applied, including values not designated to partners/recipients and other fees (e.g. installment fees). Also, it will be charged by transaction fees in the payment gateway.


Every recipient must have an account in your WordPress. To create a user you should go to WordPres > Users > “Add New”. The user must have the role “Partner”. “Partner Payment Data” needs to be filled with the user’s bank information, document and name.

Add recipient to a product

In order to add a recipient to a product you should go to product edit screen (WordPress > Products > Your Product). In the edit screen there’ll be a box called “ Split Payment - Product Data” and in this box you should select if you want a percentage commission or a fixed amount. After selecting the commission type you should add an entry, select the user and fill with its commission value.

Note: Fixed amount commission will limit the recipients to only one partner.



Changelog can be found here